How Insoles Can Help Prevent Injury As You Age

How Insoles Can Help Prevent Injury As You Age

As we grow older our bodies will naturally go through changes that will affect our mobility, balance, and even lifestyle. While aging is inevitable, there are several preventive measures we can take to ensure a healthier and active lifestyle in our later years. You may have seen several health tips on “reversing” aging but you don’t have to reverse your age to feel as good as you did when you were young. Just take care of your body, and that includes your feet! 

Adding insoles as a part of your daily routine is just one of the good habits you can start to create a healthy lifestyle that will keep you feeling good, and prevent injury as you age.  

The Body’s Foundation: Our Feet

The feet are the foundation of our body, bearing the brunt of our weight and movement. As we age, the natural padding in our feet will thin and this can lead to increased pressure on our joints. The thinning is due to the aging process where fat and skin elasticity in some parts of the body begin to reduce. This is also caused by the reduced blood flow in those areas. As you have reduced padding, you will begin to experience a range of issues from general discomfort to more severe conditions like hammertoes, bunions, and plantar fasciitis. 

Ligaments and tendons also lose some of their elasticity with age, making them less efficient at absorbing shock and supporting the arch. 

These age-related changes can affect the way we walk and our balance, increasing the risk of falls.

Now you might think this is only a concern when you start to hit your 60s or older but it might surprise you to hear this aging process can start as early as your thirties!! Wearing insoles, wherever you are in age, is a preventative habit that can help protect your feet as your fat, skin, and elasticity break down–your future body will thank you! 

How Insoles Prevent Injury With Aging

Starting the use of insoles early on can have long-term benefits. Especially if you are a fairly active person or constantly on the go, insoles will help your body now and in the future..

    • Added Support By providing proper foot support and alignment, insoles can help prevent the development of overuse injuries such as plantar fasciitis. Most common footwear don’t provide  good arch support or pressure distribution. 
    • Improved Balance & Stability: Insoles can improve foot alignment and stability, enhancing gait and reducing the risk of falls by improving proprioception (the sense of the relative position of one's own parts of the body)
    • Shock Absorption: High-quality insoles can absorb the impact that occurs each time your foot hits the ground, reducing stress on your ankles, knees, hips, and back. This shock absorption is particularly beneficial in preventing joint wear and tear as that natural cushioning of the foot wears down and can alleviate pain associated with conditions such as arthritis.
    • Improved Alignment: By aligning the feet properly, insoles can improve your overall posture and gait, which helps in reducing the strain on your musculoskeletal system. Proper alignment can prevent a domino effect of alignment issues up the kinetic chain, including knee pain, hip discomfort, and lower back pain.
  • Support That Reduces Wear and Tear: Consider insoles as you would bicycle suspensions. Just as a bike subjected to heavy loads and high-impact activities requires advanced suspensions to prevent wear and tear on rugged terrains, your body benefits from the added support of insoles. These insoles act as a cushioning system, providing protection against the impacts of daily activities, thereby safeguarding your joints and muscles from stress and strain.

  • Don’t My Shoes Have Enough Padding?

    While it is true that shoes do have built-in padding (and you have to be sure that it does because not all shoes do), these don’t last forever. And because it doesn’t make sense to throw out your shoes everytime the padding thins, insoles are the practical choice so you can still receive support without having to buy new shoes every single time. 

    This padding might also not be enough to protect your feet as they age. Adding insoles to your shoes can provide the extra support our feet and bodies need as we experience decrease in bone density, less elasticity, and even muscle degeneration. Make sure you replace them regularly so you are still receiving the full benefits of your orange insoles. 

    5 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Insoles

    The Best Habits for Aging Bodies

    We have thoroughly discussed the advantages of insoles across various articles, emphasizing their importance in maintaining a healthy body. However, it's crucial to recognize that insoles are not a standalone solution. They should be considered essential components within a broader strategy to strengthen your body and prevent aging injuries. 

    This strategy includes engaging in activities that increase bone density and muscle mass, such as weightlifting, consuming a nutritious diet, and enhancing your immune system through adequate sleep. Chances are, you're already familiar with these fundamental health practices. Integrating the habit of using Orange Insoles will complement these practices, and contribute to a healthier body in your later years, so you can keep feeling better and doing more!

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